WooCommerce Memberships is not just another plugin for restricting your site’s content: it’s an easy-to-use, site-wide membership solution that brings your content, shop, and memberships together. “This is maybe one of the easiest and cleanest plugins when it comes to configurationit’s super clean and easy to manage. When integrating MemberPress & WooCommerce platforms via the MemberPress WooCommerce Plus plugin WooCommerce is the platform responsible for the process payments, and you can choose any payment processor that integrates with WooCommerce. Powerful & Easy to Use MemberPress is an easy to use WordPress Membership Plugin. It will help you to instantly start charging your users for access to your content. MemberPress will help you confidently create, manage and track membership subscriptions and sell digital download products. WooCommerce membership is a great business model because it combines the reach of the subscription model and the flexibility of a WooCommerce store. To set up a WooCommerce based membership website, opt for an appropriate WooCommerce membership plugin to get all the functionalities in one place. MemberPress transaction data: Syncs the registration date, expiration date, payment method, and membership level name for all existing MemberPress transactions. Does not modify tags or create new contact records. MemberPress memberships statuses: Updates the tags for all members based on their current membership status. Does not create contact.
The Membership Discounts AddOn allows you to grant your MemberPress members with unique discounts on WooCommerce Products based on the membership level/s they are registered to.
This means that only customers who are also registered to your membership site will benefit from the discount, while regular customer will pay the regular price.
That way you members will feel special and you will be able to attract more customers to become members.
Note: The Membership Discounts Add-On requires also having the Memberpress WooCommerce Plus plugin
Robotic voice effect In this lesson we're going to apply some filters to achieve that robotic voice we all know and love. Grant heads back to the MCU to recreate the Ultron Voice Effect from Avengers: Age of Ultron in Adobe Audition!SUPPORT US ON PATREON: Adobe audition robot voice. Use Audition as a real-time voice changer. Change your voice pitch in real time for an online chat or to fully immerse yourself in your troll avatar when playing video games like Fortnite or Minecraft. Click the Multitrack button in the upper left corner of your screen. Start a new Multitrack Session. Licensing Adobe Audition's 'Robot Voice' lisan3848142. For your Adobe Audition Robot Voice - we'd like to use that in advertsing but it indicates Note: Voices have license restrictions for commercial or public usage. Check if you have rights to distribute any work containing voices. LEARN MY WORKFLOW FOR EDITING VOICE AND AUDIO IN ADOBE AUDITION! In this Adobe Audition tutorial, we’ll take a look at creating a preset that will take you.
Exclusive Settings:
- The Price Changes Automatically – The product’s price changes automatically according to the user’s status, so if he is a regular customer he will see that the product costs X and if he is also a member he will see price Y
- Per Product Discount – The products’ discounts are set per-product inside the product’s settings, this way you have full control over the price of each and every one of your products
- Per Membership Level Discount – Not only are the discounts set per-product, but inside each product you can set different discounts to different membership levels
- Set Any Price You Want (Lower / Higher) – You are not limited to only granting discounts, in the “Discount Amount” field you can choose ANY price you want, even a price that is higher than the regular product’s price, so for example:
– Product’s regular price – $20
– Basic level members pay – $25 / 125%
– Premium level members pay – $15 / 75% - Fixed Price vs. Percentage Discount – You can choose to set a fixed-price discount or a percentage of the price according to your needs
- Supports Multiple Levels Users – You can set the priority of each discount, so if your members are registered to more than one membership level they will get the discount according to the discount’s priority
- Ability to Setup Global Discounts – You can setup global members discounts, so the discount will reflect on all of your WooCommerce shop’s products. The global discount can be setup per membership level
- Ability to Prioritize Product Discount over Global Discount – You can exclude any membership level or levels and prioritize specific products discount over global discount
- Detailed Members’ Discount Table – To keep track of all the members’ discounts we have added a column to the WooCommerce Products table. The column displays the membership discounts per-level
You will fins detailed information about the plugin’s settings, including screenshots, in the Screenshots tab.
Global MemberPress Memberships Discounts:
The global discounts can be found in the MemberPress WooCommerce Plus menu » Under the Membership Discounts tab.
The Global Discounts settings allows you to determine global discounts per MemberPress membership, so if a member is registered to that membership, the discount will be calculated automatically and reflected in the product page.
If the member is registered to multiple memberships, he will always get the highest discount.
So, for example:
If you determine 10% off to the Basic membership and 20% to the Premium membership and the member is registered to both levels, he will get the 20% discount.
Per Product (Local) MemberPress Memberships Discount:
The per-product discounts can be found inside every WooCommerce product under the Products menu » Add New / Edit » Under the Product Data Meta box » Memberpress Members Discounts:
You simply need to choose the relevant MemberPress memberships and set the discount per membership, which can be fixed price or percentage.
You can also prioritize the product’s discount over the global discount settings, if you defined global discount.
MemberPress Membership Discounts Summary Table:
You can keep track on all the membership discounts you setup in the WooCommerce Products menu » Under All Products.
In the table we have added a new column called “MemberPress memberships Discounts” and there you can see to which MemberPress memberships you granted discounts, and you can also see if the product’s discounts are prioritized over the global discounts (if setup).
- WordPress 5.3 and above
- MemberPress 1.9.4 and above
- WooCommerce 4.6.1 and above
- MemberPress WooCommerce Plus 1.0.4 and above
Choose Your License:
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Memberpress Woocommerce Plugin
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The External Membership Sites Add-Ons Bundle integrates MemberPress and WooCommerce and allows you to sell external MemberPress membership levels from your WooCommerce shop.
To use the add-on you also need to purchase MemberPress WooCommerce Plus plugin
So, if your WooCommerce shop is installed on Domain A and you want to sell membership levels that are installed on Domain B, you will need to use the bundle to do it, for example:
- Your WooCommerce shop is located in –
- Your MemberPress membership site is located in –
- Your WooCommerce shop is located in –
- Your MemberPress membership site is located in –
- Your WooCommerce shop is located in –
- Your MemberPress membership site is located in –
What Add-Ons the Bundle Includes?
The bundle includes 2 add-ons:
- The External Membership Sites Add-On – The add-on is installed on your WooCommerce store and it collects all the important information about your membership products, including: the membership product name, level ID, status and more, and it allows you to manage all external products from one table
- The Remote Access Add-On – the add-on is installed on your MemberPress membership site, it connects between the two websites, and make sure that members who purchase a membership product from your store will be registered to the membership site correctly (both new and existing members)
How Many Licenses Will I Need for Each Add-On?
For every WooCommerce shop you will need 1 license of:
Woocommerce Memberships
- MemberPress WooCommerce Plus Plugin
- External Membership Sites Add-On
For every External membership site you will need 1 license of:
- Remote Access Add-On
For example:
If you want to sell all your products from oneWooCommerce shop, and you want to integrate your shop’s products with 3 membership sites you will need:
- MemberPress WooCommerce Plus Plugin & External Membership Sites Add-On >> 1 License for Each
- Remote Access Add-On >> 3 Licenses
If you want to sell all your products from 2 different WooCommerce stores, and you want to integrate all products from 2 stores to one membership site you will need:
- MemberPress WooCommerce Plus Plugin & External Membership Sites Add-On >> 2 Licenses for Each
- Remote Access Add-On >> 1 License
Can I Purchase More Licenses of the Remote Access Add-On Separately?
Yes, if you need to integrate multiple membership sites and you need more licenses (each membership site requires a license), you can purchase them separately. Link coming soon…
Here are some of the most common questions about MemberPress WooCommerce Plus we received:
Can I use MemberPress WooCommerce Plus on Existing Woo Products?
Yes, you can easily connect a WooCommerce product to a MemberPress membership level. You will find the exact instructions on how to do it in our documentation when the plugin is released.
Does MemberPress WooCommerce Plus support Subscription Payments?
The short answer is – Yes!
Here is the full explanation:
When integrating MemberPress & WooCommerce platforms via the MemberPress WooCommerce Plus plugin WooCommerce is the platform responsible for the process payments, and you can choose any payment processor that integrates with WooCommerce.
All you need to do in order to be able to process subscription payments is use a subscription plugin for WooCommerce and that’s it!
You can use the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin by WooCommerce themselves or any other valid plugin.
Does MemberPress WooCommerce Plus support trial periods?
The short answer is again – Yes!
As written in the previous question regarding subscription payments, all payment subscriptions as well as trial periods are handled by WooCommerce Subscriptions add-on and because of that, if the subscription add-on you are using supports trial periods there is no problem at all!
What version of WooCommerce plugin I need in order the plugin?
You will need to use WooCommerce version 4.1.1 and up
Can I use only the bundle, without the plugin MemberPress WooCommerce Plus?
The short answer is – No
The External Membership Sites Add-Ons Bundle is an addition to the main plugin, you must also purchase the MemberPress WooCommerce Plus plugin in order for the external integration to work.
If my WooCommerce shop and MemberPress membership site are installed on the exact same domain, will I need to purchase the “External Membership Sites Add-Ons Bundle”?
If both WooCommerce and MemberPress are installed on the exact WordPress installation, you will not need the “External Membership Sites Add-Ons Bundle”, only the main plugin – MemberPress WooCommerce Plus plugin
Memberpress Woocommerce
If my WooCommerce shop and MemberPress membership site are located on different domains / sub-domains or files, will I still need to purchase the “External Membership Sites Add-Ons Bundle”?
Yes, because you have 2 different WordPress installations you will need to use the add-on.
Here are examples of different domains / WorePress Installations:
1. & (different domains)
2. & (different directories)
3. & (different sub-domains)
These are the requirements for the MemberPress WooCommerce Plus:
- Latest Version: Will be released soon
- Product Type: WordPress Plugin
- Requirements: WordPress 5.4.1 and higher, MemberPress 1.8 and higher, WooCommerce 4.1.1 and higher
Unique Discount for Early Adapters Only!
Get notified via email when MemberPress WooCommerce Plus is released!
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A special time-limited discount is reserved for early adapters only!
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