Office Business Basic


Watch a short video about setting up Microsoft 365 Business Basic.

Microsoft 365 Business Basic (Formerly Office 365 Business Essentials) $5/user/month – Annual commitment $6/user/month – Monthly commitment. Preferred by: Small businesses that don’t depend on Office 365 apps too much. If you want the basic functions of Office 365 without all the bells and whistles, Office 365 Business Essentials is the best plan for you. What you get in Office 365 Business Essentials.

If you found this video helpful, check out the complete training series for small businesses and those new to Microsoft 365.

Add your domain to personalize sign-in

Business plan templates offer step-by-step instructions and prefabricated slides for your executive summary, company overview, financial plan, and more. You’ll even find a business plan template for specific industries including business plan templates in Word for healthcare providers, professional services, and retail. Any users you add in the wizard get automatically assigned a Microsoft 365 Business Basic license. If your Microsoft 365 Business Basic subscription has existing users (for example, if you used Azure AD Connect), you get an option to assign licenses to them now. Go ahead and add licenses to them as well.

When you purchase Microsoft 365 Business Basic, you have the option of using a domain you own, or buying one during the sign-up.

  • If you purchased a new domain when you signed up, your domain is all set up and you can move to Add users and assign licenses.
  1. Go to the admin center at
  1. If you're using Office 365 Germany, go to this admin center.
  1. If you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, go to this admin center..
  1. Choose Go to setup to start the wizard.

  2. In the Add domain step, enter the domain name you want to use (like


    If you purchased a domain during the sign-up, you will not see Add a domain step here. Go to Add users instead.

  3. Follow the steps in the wizard to Create DNS records at any DNS hosting provider for Office 365 that verifies you own the domain. If you know your domain host, see also the host specific instructions.

    If your hosting provider is GoDaddy or another host enabled with domain connect, the process is easy and you'll be automatically asked to sign in and let Microsoft authenticate on your behalf.

Add users and assign licenses

You can add users in the wizard, but you can also add users later in the admin center. Additionally, if you have a local domain controller, you can add users with Azure AD Connect.

Add users in the wizard


Any users you add in the wizard get automatically assigned a Microsoft 365 Business Basic license.

  1. If your Microsoft 365 Business Basic subscription has existing users (for example, if you used Azure AD Connect), you get an option to assign licenses to them now. Go ahead and add licenses to them as well.

  2. After you've added the users, you'll also get an option to share credentials with the new users you added. You can choose to print them out, email them, or download them.

Connect your domain


If you chose to use the .onmicrosoft domain, or used Azure AD Connect to set up users, you will not see this step.

Office 365 Business

To set up services, you have to update some records at your DNS host or domain registrar.

Office Business Basic Cost

  1. The setup wizard typically detects your registrar and gives you a link to step-by-step instructions for updating your NS records at the registrar website. If it doesn't, Change nameservers to set up Office 365 with any domain registrar.

    • If you have existing DNS records, for example an existing web site, but your DNS host is enabled for domain connect, choose Add records for me. On the Choose your online services page, accept all the defaults, and choose Next, and choose Authorize on your DNS host's page.
    • If you have existing DNS records with other DNS hosts (not enabled for domain connect), you'll want to manage your own DNS records to make sure the existing services stay connected. See domain basics for more info.
  2. Follow the steps in the wizard and email and other services will be set up for you.

    When the signup process is complete, you'll be directed to the admin center, where you can add users, and assign licenses. After you complete the initial setup, you can use the Setup page in the admin center to continue setting up and configuring the services that come with your subscriptions.

    For more information about the setup wizard and the admin center Setup page, see Difference between the setup wizard and the Setup page.